will made us some oars and annie fell in. we stayed out way past dark and figured we would never eat drum again if we can help it, but what fun to catch a 15+ lb fish on your first trip, annie!
the other night evan, nick, taft and i started setting up the studio space on 38th 1/2. tiny floated room inside of a normal sized garage, with a near anechoic quality.
we just fucked around with a cover of NMH's 'king of carrot flowers II.'
i have been reading HOW BRANDON BEATS CANCER for the last few months. brandon is evan's brother and he was diagnosed with hodgekins lymphoma a few months ago. the blog is about b's treatment and progress, and he has thrown plenty of other stuff in, too.
their new record is just what i wanted it to be: progression. these guys have kept developing and changing their sound throughout their entire career. their last three full lengths have all spent ample time in my headphones, and last year's Furr hasn't gone unplayed for longer than 3 weeks since i picked up my copy at their mohawk show.
here's a live version of 'Sadie,' the first song to really hit me on the new record.
check out bass player mike. that dude used to sell me the broken 4-tracks they had laying around at the music shop he worked at when i was living in portland.
please try and find me a better album name, too. please.
i'll be posting more about this show as pictures roll in. i saw some of my friend joel's and they look awesome, too. these are by michael. he's got some pictures of little lo and mother falcon up too.
peep the winnebago man sticker, y'all. style by witte. hair by whatever.
A young local artist in the San Marcos area is trying to get his name out. He is currently taking orders for custom painted shoes on the pair of your choosing. You come up with the design or picture and he will do the rest. This artist is still under the radar but his artwork is sure to be worth something someday. You can be a part of a new style and help this local artist get a name for himself. Get them now while they're cheap! The shoes are coated after painting with a sealant to protect the art. He has been doing most of his art on Vans or Van knockoffs but any shoe will likely work. Call or text 512-913-1406 to describe the design and type of shoe you want. You can also send pictures to my email account. Anything from your favorite rapper or sports team to random designs and patterns. You are sure to be satisfied your order.